/****************************************************************** * Arduino Command Line Interface - Stepper motor rev 0.2 * Quentin Berthet // modprobe.ch * tumnao@gmail.com * 4.10.2010 *****************************************************************/ /* Pin definition ************************************************/ int SR_pin = 6; int MS1_pin = 4; int MS2_pin = 7; int ENABLE_pin = 5; int DIR_pin = 3; int STEP_pin = 2; /* Commands arrays ***********************************************/ typedef void(*cmd_func_ptr)(const char*); #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) typedef struct { const char* str; cmd_func_ptr func; } command; command commands[] = { { "help", &display_help }, { "delay", &set_delay }, { "step", &set_step_mode }, { "dir", &set_dir }, { "start", &do_start }, { "stop", &do_stop } }; /* Globals *******************************************************/ unsigned long delay_between_step = 100000; //0.1 s byte step_mode = 1; byte dir = 0; byte motor_started = 0; unsigned long step_to_do = 0; /* Motor control *************************************************/ void do_step(void) { delayMicroseconds(2); //datasheet specify 1us min digitalWrite(STEP_pin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(2); //datasheet specify 1us min digitalWrite(STEP_pin, LOW); if (motor_started == 2) if (--step_to_do == 0) { motor_started = 0; digitalWrite(ENABLE_pin, HIGH); } } void check_deadline(void) { static unsigned long next_dead_line = 0; /* TODO : add micros() overflow check */ if (next_dead_line <= micros()) { do_step(); next_dead_line = micros() + delay_between_step; } } void change_step_mode(int s) { switch(s) { case 1: digitalWrite(MS1_pin, LOW); digitalWrite(MS2_pin, LOW); break; case 2: digitalWrite(MS1_pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(MS2_pin, LOW); break; case 4: digitalWrite(MS1_pin, LOW); digitalWrite(MS2_pin, HIGH); break; case 8: digitalWrite(MS1_pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(MS2_pin, HIGH); break; default: break; } } /* Command line Functions ****************************************/ void display_help(const char* cmd) { int i=0; Serial.println("Command list:"); for(i = 0; i != ARRAY_SIZE(commands); ++i) { Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(commands[i++].str); } } void do_start(const char* cmd) { unsigned long temp; if (!motor_started) { /* TODO : add if delay is below a limit, * use an acceleration curve */ if (sscanf(cmd,"%*s %lu", &temp) == 1) { step_to_do = temp; motor_started = 2; digitalWrite(ENABLE_pin, LOW); Serial.print("Start motor to do "); Serial.print(step_to_do); Serial.println(" steps"); } else { motor_started = 1; digitalWrite(ENABLE_pin, LOW); Serial.println("Start motor"); } } else { Serial.println("Motor is already started"); } } void do_stop(const char* cmd) { if (motor_started) { motor_started = 0; digitalWrite(ENABLE_pin, HIGH); if (step_to_do > 0) { Serial.print("Motor stopped, but "); Serial.print(step_to_do); Serial.println(" steps to do remaining..."); } else Serial.println("Motor stopped"); step_to_do = 0; } else { Serial.println("Error: motor already stopped"); } } void set_delay(const char* cmd) { unsigned long temp; if (sscanf(cmd,"%*s %lu", &temp) == 1) delay_between_step = temp; Serial.print("delay between step : "); Serial.print(delay_between_step); Serial.println(" us"); } void set_step_mode(const char* cmd) { int temp; if (sscanf(cmd,"%*s %d", &temp) == 1) { if ((temp == 1) || (temp == 2) || (temp == 4) || (temp == 8)) { step_mode = temp; change_step_mode(step_mode); } else Serial.println("Error: step-mode must be 1,2,4,8"); } switch (step_mode) { case 1: Serial.println("Full-step"); break; case 2: Serial.println("Half-step"); break; case 4: Serial.println("Quarter-step"); break; case 8: Serial.println("Eighth-step"); break; } } void set_dir(const char* cmd) { int temp; if (sscanf(cmd,"%*s %d", &temp) == 1) { if (temp == 0) dir = 0; else dir = 1; digitalWrite(DIR_pin, dir); } Serial.print("direction : "); Serial.println(dir, DEC); } /* Command line parsing ******************************************/ void parse_command(const char* cmd) { byte i = 0; for(i = 0; i != ARRAY_SIZE(commands); ++i) { if (strncmp(commands[i].str, cmd, strlen(commands[i].str)) == 0) return commands[i].func(cmd); } Serial.print("unkown command: "); Serial.println(cmd); } void push_byte_to_cmd(char b) { static char cmd_buf[32]; static char cmd_ptr = 0; if (b == '\n') { cmd_buf[cmd_ptr] = 0; //assure that there is a null byte Serial.println(); parse_command(cmd_buf); Serial.print(">"); //clear command cmd_ptr = 0; memset(cmd_buf, 0, sizeof(cmd_buf)); } else if(isprint(b)) { Serial.print(b); cmd_buf[cmd_ptr++] = b; if (cmd_ptr >= sizeof(cmd_buf)-1) //1 for null byte { Serial.println(); Serial.println("Command too long"); cmd_ptr = 0; memset(cmd_buf, 0, sizeof(cmd_buf)); } } } /* Main **********************************************************/ void setup(void) { pinMode(SR_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(MS1_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(MS2_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(ENABLE_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(DIR_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(STEP_pin, OUTPUT); //A3977 config digitalWrite(ENABLE_pin, HIGH); // disable input digitalWrite(SR_pin, LOW); // low: active mode off step_mode = 1; change_step_mode(step_mode); // start with full steps dir = 0; digitalWrite(DIR_pin, dir); digitalWrite(STEP_pin, LOW); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("arduino CLI v0.1"); Serial.print(">"); } void loop(void) { if (motor_started > 0) check_deadline(); if (Serial.available() > 0) push_byte_to_cmd(Serial.read()); } /* EOF ***********************************************************/